Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Soul Ties

As I round the corner of the office, I spot the back of her head, sporting the new short "do" that suits her so well. She is the epitome of a mom to me in the way she dresses, speaks and carries herself; I admire her healthy happiness. I was led to approach her soon after my arrival to this job to find out where she went to church - I could tell she had something I wanted to have. I have come to love this woman and our God-connection. I seek her out for quick conversations when my spirit needs a lift. Today, we chatted, and is often the case, I was gifted with some of her wisdom. She's on a journey, too, you see, but her path is narrow and she knows her way. In our conversation, she drops a term I am not familiar with: SOUL TIES. I ask her for clarification and she explaines, in her brief, informative, home-schooling mom manner (which I adore), that when we love, a bond is created that connects our soul to that person. And while that love may pass on the outside, it can remain on the inside causing us to carry it around. Doing so means it affects our current relationships in positive AND negative ways. Sometimes we have to break that SOUL TIE in order to move past it's negative impact on our current relationships, she further explains. This is all I need to hear, for I know the solutions I need lie in my research of these SOUL TIES. Ever the mom persona, not wanting to leave me hungry, she feeds me by following up our chat with an e-mail that contains a link on SOUL TIES and I'm off on my journey again, to discover more about what lies ahead for me. Once more, she has met me on life's road and beckoned to me, "Come. This is the way."

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you had such a powerful way with words. I am happy you are my Mom.
